If you directed Find My to do so, your phone number and message will be displayed on the device. When marked as lost, as long as it's still reachable by a wireless signal, your device will be locked behind its passcode. Optionally, enter a message for someone who might find your device.Swipe up and tap Activate under Mark As Lost.Devices near you should appear on the map. Open Find My on your iPhone or iPad if the app doesn't open to it already.Mark As Lost: Tapping Activate will mark your particular device as 'lost.' More on that later.Notifications: Tap this switch if you're looking for a device and want to be notified if someone finds it.Directions: Will jump to Maps to present you with directions right to your device's location.WARNING: Don't test this with AirPods while wearing them. Play Sound: Plays a sound from your device to help you better locate it when it's nearby.Swipe up and tap one of the buttons or the switch available to you.
How to find devices with Find My on your iPhone and iPad

Tap the friend who is sharing their location in the list below the map. How to find friends in Find My on iPhone and iPad You'll now be sharing your location with your chosen contact for the amount of time you specified.

Tap Share for One Hour, tap Share Until End of Day, or Share Indefinitely. Type the name of a contact or tap their name from the list.Tap the People tab if the app doesn't open to it.How to add friends in Find My on iPhone and iPad